Sunday, January 4, 2009

Frosty morning

This morning's weather forecast:
High 37
Low 36
Current temperature 27

I wish my job would allow for that margin of error!

I know, I know, my friends in Canada are laughing up their mufflers right now. 27 sounds like beach weather to them. My friend in Slave Lake has had temperatures at -30 for the past several weeks.

However, this was a nice chilly morning for Oregon. And one benefit was that we had a wonderful bit of frost on everything. I had no camera with me when we drove to church and I resigned myself to only enjoying the frost from memory. But when we got out of church, three hours later, the frost was still there (mostly)!

Ran home, bundled into something warm and rushed back to the church parking lot to capture the moment before it got any warmer. (Click on the pictures for a larger size. The blog resizing makes them a bit blurry.

Today's Gratitude Moment: I'm thankful for thick, warm flannel sheets!


Naomi said...

Great pics Heather!

Adrianna said...

WOW! Gorgeous photos!! And I like the new blog design!

Heather said...

Almost froze my thumbs off taking them. Need gloves. ;)